
Showing posts from March, 2016

Who Can Stand Against You?

Romans 8: 31-39 My pastor shared this deep truth with us in our prayer meeting. He emphasized the need for us to realize and dwell in the light of this truth to really appreciate the essence of Easter; of Christ's death for us. We are usually in a state of self-condemnation. This is normally instigated by our past sins and most especially, the devil. He wants to make you feel and be less of yourself so that he can have a hold in your life. But here's the best part: Nothing and no one has the right to condemn you, not even yourself! The only ones (The Holy Trinity; God, The Father, Son and The Holy Spirit) with that right love you so much they'd never want to condemn you. God The Father sent His Only Son to die for you. The Son also took it upon Himself to suffer horribly, die for you and make intercessions for you. The Holy Spirit is ever-present to enable you accomplish your purpose and access salvation and the Kingdom of God. In all these per...

Live Confidently

The battle against inferiority complex and pride (confidence issues) has been an age-long fight. From the women who suffer from discrimination and abuse to the children who suffer different forms of abuse and depravity even up to the men who still suffer low self-esteem because of their inefficacy as breadwinners or the discrimination they often face. To gain confidence, one thing is for sure, you've got to recognize that you have strengths as well as weaknesses. Concentrate on and develop your strengths to move to higher levels of perfection rather than on your weaknesses which produces mediocrity. Develop the positives in your life and eliminate the negatives. Another thing to avoid is comparison. Never see people as competitions and standards in life and keep comparing yourself with them. Be the best of who you truly and uniquely are. You can have role models who set an example for you like the Proverbs 31 Woman but never let them be gods in your life. Gi...

The Reason For The Season

John 2:19-22, Matthew 28:6 Even after 2000+ years, His act of love, the greatest in all humanity (John 15:13) still remains fresh in our minds as we annually celebrate Christ's death for us on the Cross of Calvary. Many still can't believe that they have a Savior who died for them and has risen to glory for them to experience a new life in Him. Sadly, the devil capitalizes on these feeling of unworthiness and uses them against us to keep us from accessing this free gift of salvation. The truth of the matter, whether the devil likes it or not, is that Christ has redeemed us by His death for us. Redemption involves purchasing something back that has been lost, by the payment of a ransom. Christ purchased us with His blood, once and for ALL. The penalty for our sin and rebellion is death. But Jesus stepped in and laid down His life and took the penalty which we deserved. Our debt has not only been cancelled but fully paid! Through His death and resurrect...

The Living Dog

. Ecclesiastes 9:4 My message for you is this: DON'T EVER FEEL TOO SMALL TO DO GREAT THINGS. If I give you two options in life, one is to be the weakest person ever with 50 more years to live, the other is to be the most beautiful and strongest person ever with 1minute to live, which would it be? I for one would choose the first. No matter the level of weakness, I'd still have life and the opportunity to grow and build myself. 'When there is life, there is hope'. There would be hope of greatness in my future. There would be the hope of a better walk with God and a better family and business life. There's just so much HOPE! So long as you're alive, you have the opportunity to be and do better than any of the dead yet greatest men on earth. Believe in God who is able to do all things and He will do it for you! God who has all things in His Hands loves you and wants the best for you (Jeremiah 29:11). He's got the blueprints of your life. He...

The Life Planner

I recently went through a phase of my life which was really frustrating. Everything felt out of place. For someone like me who loves order and organization especially time management, I felt like my life was falling to pieces. It was as though my life was passing by swiftly before my very eyes and I had no control over it. I needed to learn to balance my responsibilities to have an excellent result. That was not easy! Eventually, I sat down to write up my schedule for my weeks. I wanted to live a planned life. It all worked out but then, there was too little time dedicated to ministry... to God. This caused a 'black hole' in my life. In as much as things were running smoothly, I felt incomplete... Now that's taken care of. However, this is the case with many. We find it really hard trying to balance life and its responsibilities placed on us. In an effort to get a hold of ourselves, we begin to plan our days. In the process, many leave little to no time for God. You need to...

Make The Vision Plain

2  Then the Lord answered me and said: “Write the vision And make it plain on tablets, That he may run who reads it. 3  For the vision is yet for an appointed time; But at the end it will speak, and it will not lie. Though it tarries, wait for it; Because it will surely come, It will not tarry. (Habakkuk 2:2-3) Vision: A picture of the future that creates passion. This is a very delicate topic in the lives of everyone. It encompasses your future; how you see what and where you want to be. God knows the importance of every aspect of your life and He knows this is a BIG one. That's why He gave specific instructions in Habakkuk 2:2-3 and the importance to that effect. Why develop and write down your vision? Firstly, its a picture that's not yet clear but bright and with the passage of time, things change. These changes are essential and need to be documented at every stage to evaluate the development of your vision and yourself. Nothing should take you by surpri...

Worship Expressions

                                  Do you understand the songs you sing when worshiping?                                     You have to silence every distraction when in worship.     To treat this subject, you'll have to understand what it means to worship.     WORSHIP is the act of glorifying God. It's the reason we were created (Psalms 29:2). All things good that bring glory to the name of the LORD is worship. It could be in the form of singing, dancing, talking, eating, giving, caring, dressing or whatever form you can think of.     So, we can actually worship God in our group discussions, in our private a...

All For Good

    You may be thinking of your faults in the past , your 'imperfections', all the horrible things you've done or experienced, most of the time. It's frustrating, isn't it?     For me, it causes mood swings and I can't get a hold of myself. To relieve myself, I talk with friends or listen to songs which leave me praising God. However, it still comes back with time and even worse than before... How To Deal With It? All things are working for my good. He's intentional. He's never failing. (from the song, He's Intentional by +Travis Greene).     Everything God does in our lives are intentional. He never mistakes. When you're experiencing pain and hurt, you're being prepared to be stronger and to learn to relate with the brokenhearted.     When you're poor and hungry, God's preparing and training in you a person to become a successful steward of the wealth He'll bestow on you... for you to relate with and help the poor and h...

What Comes To Mind?

  Once, we had a little talk from our youth pastor during Church service and he said something that lighted a spark in me. He asked a very simple but critical question: What do you want people to think of when they think of you? And he said we should write it down. Here's what I wrote down: If I say Funmi, greatness, inspiration, love and education comes to mind. When I die, I want to be remembered as:   - A loving person. - A positive encouragement. - A woman for God.   He then encouraged us to live up to whatever it was we wrote (the positive ones tho). Ever since then, I've always prayed to God for the strength to do what is required to achieve my dreams of greatness. Although I'm still a work-in-progress, I know I'm far much better than I was 5 years ago and I thank God for that. I want to challenge you reading this post.   What do you want to come to the minds of people when they think of you? Write it down. Pray to God about it. Live up to it! I...

Be The Force

  "Nigeria is so corrupt! The government is to blame...". "My hostel is so dirty! The cleaners aren't doing their job well". "Who kept the plate here for me to break it? That person is to be blamed". So many times we keep on pointing fingers at who we think is getting it wrong or who's got the responsibility and isn't proving efficient. However, we fail to see the other 3 fingers pointing back at us. Many of us would rather choose to play the 'blame game' without putting any of it on ourselves. Even I was a constant victim of this act as I'd never wanted to get any bit of blame for anything that went wrong. When last did you ask: How can I help improve the situation? In reality, no man is perfect. That's why I've learned not to put all my expectations on someone because disappointments are inevitable. Even when such disappointments occur, I'd blame myself for expecting too much. Life would be very peaceful for ...

The Strong Christian

  Most Christians have everything they need; nice clothes, good homes, big toys, the best games, flashy cars but lack one thing that's needful... The Bible! Many come to church well dressed yet have to ask to share their neighbor's Bible or borrow from a friend just for the service. How can a student have no learning material? How can a Christian not have a Bible? Many now claim to have Bibles on their phones and downplay the need for a hard copy of the Bible. They are however distracted by notifications when reading the Bible. A strong Christian studies God's Word diligently; a student/scholar of the Word. They overcome the devil. Weak Christians however don't study the Word (consistently). They are overcome by the devil. In fact, they have a catalog of the devil's activities in their lives for everyday. The strong Christians only testify of God's goodness. The only way to walk confidently with/to God is on the sure foundation of His Word. When pray...