The Strong Christian

Most Christians have everything they need; nice clothes, good homes, big toys, the best games, flashy cars but lack one thing that's needful... The Bible! Many come to church well dressed yet have to ask to share their neighbor's Bible or borrow from a friend just for the service.

How can a student have no learning material? How can a Christian not have a Bible? Many now claim to have Bibles on their phones and downplay the need for a hard copy of the Bible. They are however distracted by notifications when reading the Bible.

A strong Christian studies God's Word diligently; a student/scholar of the Word. They overcome the devil. Weak Christians however don't study the Word (consistently). They are overcome by the devil. In fact, they have a catalog of the devil's activities in their lives for everyday. The strong Christians only testify of God's goodness.

The only way to walk confidently with/to God is on the sure foundation of His Word. When praying, we are to come to Him with His Word. And what better way to remind God of His Word than by first having it stored inside you???

Therefore, you should realize that prayer is not guess work. God's Word builds up your prayer life. The best prayer is praying God's Word; personalize it! With this, your prayer life is more organized and there's no mumbling or searching for words in prayer.

I hope that you can now see that effective Bible Study builds up your strength, your confidence in God and your prayer life as Christians.

Come prepared with God's Word in prayers. He'll never disappoint you.


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