Why Worriers Never Become Warriors

Joan never gets anything done unlike her friend Able. She’s always worried about how wrong things may go if she tries that she never gives it a try. Able on the other hand always tries to get the job done no matter what. He sits down to plan ahead and partners with people to overcome his limitations… two friends, Joan the worrier and Able the warrior.

Worry adds no value to life (Matthew 6:27). It’s good to think and plan ahead but not to wallow in doubt and worry unnecessarily for tomorrow while in today.

Planning aids preparation for success and avoids embarrassment (Luke 14:28-30), worry only aids depression and never gets the job done.

Warriors speak to the mountain; the problems they face, while worriers speak about the mountains they face. A warrior confronts issues with faith and confidence in God. A worrier only complains and keeps on describing the enormity of the situation (even to the littlest of things) without even facing it.

More so, warriors are courageous. They live their lives free from the grip of fear and do exploits. However, worriers live in fear. They cower from every challenge and never explore their capabilities; some even doubt they have any at all.

As Joan the worrier creates mountains out of mole hills, Able the warrior creates mole hills out of mountains. Warriors magnify the success rates whereas worriers only focus on the failure rates of any project.

Essentially, warriors focus on their strengths and develop them while working on their weaknesses but the worriers only concentrate on their weaknesses. This is also psychological as much as it is physical. It affects one’s personality, thinking, facial demeanor, posture and can steal one's joy and confidence if one worries too much.

Put your trust in God and wear your armor of a warrior. Don’t doubt God, don’t doubt YOU!


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