The Reason For The Season
John 2:19-22, Matthew 28:6
Even after 2000+ years, His act of
love, the greatest in all humanity (John 15:13) still remains fresh
in our minds as we annually celebrate Christ's death for us on the
Cross of Calvary.
Many still can't believe that they have
a Savior who died for them and has risen to glory for them to
experience a new life in Him. Sadly, the devil capitalizes on these
feeling of unworthiness and uses them against us to keep us from
accessing this free gift of salvation.
The truth of the matter, whether the
devil likes it or not, is that Christ has redeemed us by His death
for us. Redemption involves purchasing something back that has been
lost, by the payment of a ransom. Christ purchased us with His blood,
once and for ALL. The penalty for our sin and rebellion is death. But
Jesus stepped in and laid down His life and took the penalty which we
deserved. Our debt has not only been cancelled but fully paid!
Through His death and resurrection, we
now have access to eternal life free from condemnation. We are seated
by Him above all and have been given all spiritual blessings in
Christ. Every hold the devil might have had has been broken and we
have been set free. The devil may try but he will certainly fail
because he has been defeated.
Therefore, I see no reason for us to
live as though we have no hope. We've got to realize, accept and
access this free gift of salvation in Christ.
For you and for me, He died. He's the
reason for the season.
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