Be The Force

"Nigeria is so corrupt! The government is to blame...". "My hostel is so dirty! The cleaners aren't doing their job well". "Who kept the plate here for me to break it? That person is to be blamed".

So many times we keep on pointing fingers at who we think is getting it wrong or who's got the responsibility and isn't proving efficient. However, we fail to see the other 3 fingers pointing back at us.

Many of us would rather choose to play the 'blame game' without putting any of it on ourselves. Even I was a constant victim of this act as I'd never wanted to get any bit of blame for anything that went wrong.

When last did you ask: How can I help improve the situation?

In reality, no man is perfect. That's why I've learned not to put all my expectations on someone because disappointments are inevitable. Even when such disappointments occur, I'd blame myself for expecting too much.

Life would be very peaceful for me if others accepted their faults and wouldn't put the blame on me because I was the little one. Don't you think so too? Don't you think it'd be better if we'd each carry our crosses and be the change you want to see?


- It gives no one room to judge you as you've already judged yourself.
- You set a pace by living examplary.
- It helps you realize the aspect of your life that needs improvement.
- Provides a platform to develop healthier relationships.
- You become a better you!

So, why don't we run a personality check and work on what really needs fixing...


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