Worship Expressions

                                  Do you understand the songs you sing when worshiping?
                                    You have to silence every distraction when in worship.

    To treat this subject, you'll have to understand what it means to worship.

    WORSHIP is the act of glorifying God. It's the reason we were created (Psalms 29:2). All things good that bring glory to the name of the LORD is worship. It could be in the form of singing, dancing, talking, eating, giving, caring, dressing or whatever form you can think of.

    So, we can actually worship God in our group discussions, in our private and shared lives as well. You can worship God by helping people; your neighbor, the less privileged, the sick and everyone you can. You can also worship God with your finances, academics, physicality, profession or career, and even your social life and dealing with others.

    Worship comes in varied forms. However, we've confined it to 'slow' gospel songs we sing in service; praise and worship.

    Now, I want to focus on the part of worshiping through songs.

   In service, people are very much distracted at this time or don't even know the songs and just stay still waiting for the next song during the worship sessions. Even I have been in such situations.

    One thing to note is that your worshiping God is not confined to the songs being sung on stage.When you don't know it, keep on worshiping God. Don't stop worshiping! It's not the song but your heart He requires. The songwriter sang 'I bring you more than a song, for a song in itself is not what you've required...'

    Also, God doesn't want your heart going in many directions because of distractions. He wants all of you. He wants your heart's undivided attention. Therefore, you've got to silence every voice and distractions in your head and around you.

    Worship God all your life with all your life. Let your heart stay fixed on Him. GOD WANTS YOU!


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