The Living Dog

. Ecclesiastes 9:4

My message for you is this: DON'T EVER FEEL TOO SMALL TO DO GREAT THINGS.

If I give you two options in life, one is to be the weakest person ever with 50 more years to live, the other is to be the most beautiful and strongest person ever with 1minute to live, which would it be?

I for one would choose the first. No matter the level of weakness, I'd still have life and the opportunity to grow and build myself.

'When there is life, there is hope'. There would be hope of greatness in my future. There would be the hope of a better walk with God and a better family and business life. There's just so much HOPE!

So long as you're alive, you have the opportunity to be and do better than any of the dead yet greatest men on earth. Believe in God who is able to do all things and He will do it for you!

God who has all things in His Hands loves you and wants the best for you (Jeremiah 29:11). He's got the blueprints of your life. He knows everything about you (Jeremiah 1:5). He's never leaving and He's still holding out His Hands to you.

I pray that you hold on to it with every bit of life in you!


  1. Nice write up, u just inspired me...

  2. I really thank God for that Sylvester. So long as His breath of life is in you, you can do ANYTHING by His Grace!


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