The Life Planner

I recently went through a phase of my life which was really frustrating. Everything felt out of place. For someone like me who loves order and organization especially time management, I felt like my life was falling to pieces.

It was as though my life was passing by swiftly before my very eyes and I had no control over it. I needed to learn to balance my responsibilities to have an excellent result. That was not easy!

Eventually, I sat down to write up my schedule for my weeks. I wanted to live a planned life. It all worked out but then, there was too little time dedicated to ministry... to God. This caused a 'black hole' in my life. In as much as things were running smoothly, I felt incomplete... Now that's taken care of.

However, this is the case with many. We find it really hard trying to balance life and its responsibilities placed on us. In an effort to get a hold of ourselves, we begin to plan our days. In the process, many leave little to no time for God.

You need to understand that Jesus Christ has to be the centre of your life to have essence. When He's at the centre, everything falls into place under His authority in your life. HE WANTS TO BE YOUR ALL!

Making God your priority is the best choice you can make in life. Everything submits and works out for you. The frustration, tears, anxiety, fear all dry up.

When planning your BIG future, just remember its all in God's Hands. TRUST IN HIM.


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