Who Can Stand Against You?

Romans 8: 31-39

My pastor shared this deep truth with us in our prayer meeting. He emphasized the need for us to realize and dwell in the light of this truth to really appreciate the essence of Easter; of Christ's death for us.

We are usually in a state of self-condemnation. This is normally instigated by our past sins and most especially, the devil. He wants to make you feel and be less of yourself so that he can have a hold in your life.

But here's the best part: Nothing and no one has the right to condemn you, not even yourself! The only ones (The Holy Trinity; God, The Father, Son and The Holy Spirit) with that right love you so much they'd never want to condemn you.

God The Father sent His Only Son to die for you. The Son also took it upon Himself to suffer horribly, die for you and make intercessions for you. The Holy Spirit is ever-present to enable you accomplish your purpose and access salvation and the Kingdom of God.

In all these persons who have the right to condemn/judge you, who do you think would love to do that? NONE! They're so busy loving, protecting and providing for you that they have no time nor strategy in mind to condemn you.

Live knowing that you have been set free (John 8:36)! No one can stand against you in judgement!  


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