All For Good

    You may be thinking of your faults in the past , your 'imperfections', all the horrible things you've done or experienced, most of the time. It's frustrating, isn't it?

    For me, it causes mood swings and I can't get a hold of myself. To relieve myself, I talk with friends or listen to songs which leave me praising God. However, it still comes back with time and even worse than before... How To Deal With It?

All things are working for my good. He's intentional. He's never failing. (from the song, He's Intentional by +Travis Greene).

    Everything God does in our lives are intentional. He never mistakes. When you're experiencing pain and hurt, you're being prepared to be stronger and to learn to relate with the brokenhearted.
    When you're poor and hungry, God's preparing and training in you a person to become a successful steward of the wealth He'll bestow on you... for you to relate with and help the poor and hungry.

    God wants to shape you to become His. He wants to use all you  are, all you have and all you've been through for His glory. He wants to use you to reach out. Even your feelings of inferiority! When we overcome them, you can truly help others overcome them.

    Our lives are like a jigsaw puzzle. It's looking all scattered but when all the pieces are put in place then it'll make perfect sense. My prayer is for our life-songs to sing to God.

    Nothing you'll ever do can surprise God. He knows you more than you even know yourself yet He loves you more than you can ever love yourself.

    He's already seen your end from your beginning and has orchestrated all things to work for your good. You've got to dwell in the wisdom of God's love and His good intentions for you (Jeremiah 29:11). Dwell in His Word (Joshua 1:8).

Don't give up on yourself. God hasn't given up on you. He's working out all things for you! HE LOVES YOU!!!


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