Daily Consumed

Once in a while, I would always come up with wonderful and well articulated ideas. I’d even gone on to calculate the potentials of such ideas and it was sometimes mind bubbling. They were truly wonderful ideas. But that’s what they always ended up as; IDEAS. They were never actualized and even when I tried and failed at the first trial, I’d just dump the whole thing. However, this is one of the most common problems we all face. We either come up with unrealistic ideas or lack commitment to ever bring the realistic ones to reality. And we then feel as though it has failed us but the truth is: We failed it. Some of these ideas are God-given and we are expected to work towards them as they can help unravel our purpose on Earth. It’s never God’s plan for us to be idle and stagnant. He wants us to be up and doing, prospering in our lives. Each and every one of us has been uniquely designed for a particular ...