When Helping Hurts

        Even helping has its limits too just as the saying goes "Too much of everything is not good". I recently got to understand this sensitive issue from a senior friend of mine.
       I told her that I'm in the habit of lending to people and hoping he or she repays as promised. But after a long while, I get no response and begin to notice that the person starts avoiding me. But where it hurts the most is when I'm in deep need of that item and the person is 'living large' and I still don't have the heart to ask or pester the person about it.

      So I end up being hardened and refuse to help the next time to avoid getting disappointed. But here's what she said:
 "Too much of that kind of help breeds malice and destroys friendships. So stop it! Its much better when you give what you know won't hurt when its not paid back. So give but give wisely"
       Following this advice really helped me a lot(and I believe it can for you too). I don't just lend out N700 when all I've got is N1000 unless I really trust that individuals capacity though.But that would be really jeopardizing if I'm disappointed and would begin the 'malice cycle'.

      Although dialogue can really solve a lot of problems but the most important thing is wisdom to avoid such issues. Like I said, helping can hurt but just know how to set your limits. Also, its good to say NO and feel good about it when necessary.


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