While We're Waiting

James 5:7-8 
“Be patient, therefore, brothers, until the coming of the Lord. See how the farmer waits for the precious fruit of the earth, being patient about it, until it receives the early and the late rains.  You also, be patient. Establish your hearts, for the coming of the Lord is at hand.”

    Time after time, school goes on a really long break and I have to travel back home. I end up staying at for months and I'm always complaining of the same old thing that plagues most of us: BOREDOM! 
     I have nothing to do for fun, hardly any friends around and there's always a chore to do which all bores me to tears.
     However, someone said something in a Church Class that caught my attention. He said "We're bored because we don't want to think and work. We can't complain of boredom when we're busy".

   This same thing is applicable to every one of us. If you actually take out time to venture outside and acquire new skills, study the Bible and books personally or in a group, take up a job or improve yourself in character and faith, the talk of boredom would be HISTORY.
      Actually, most of our lives are spent waiting and most people tend to be rather impatient and would prefer to Google the answer to life's questions rather than wait for it. Either we're waiting for new opportunities, a partner, school to resume or to pull through tough times.
      It's actually after periods of waiting that a blessing much greater comes along. Just like Joseph who waited 13 years in bondage before becoming governor and Abraham and Sarah who waited patiently for Isaac.
     Whatever it may be, we shouldn't just be idle and keep on waiting. Take it upon yourself to discover and improve something positive about yourself. 
      So, don't throw in the towel when there seems to be a long wait but ask yourself honestly "What do I really need to work on to be better while I'm waiting?"


  1. True.... While waiting for admission into the university, I ventured out to improve myself....and am still reaping the benefits of that venture

  2. Thank God for you.. And hope you're still improving!

  3. This one hit me like when moses stroke the sea and it spilt into two....powerful,encouraging,inspirational,motivating,mind blowing....nice one OBJ, tnk u dear..

  4. This one hit me like when moses stroke the sea and it spilt into two....powerful,encouraging,inspirational,motivating,mind blowing....nice one OBJ, tnk u dear..

  5. Thank God for that! You're highly welcome... Bless u

  6. Thank you for this inspiring message. More grace dear


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