The Hard Truth

John 8:32
"You will know the truth and the truth will set you free" 


       Most times in life we fail to realize the truth of the matter we’re faced with. For some, they know the truth but don’t want to accept it. 

        I may be diagnosed with a terminal disease and not want to accept it as the truth. But running away from the truth of the matter won’t change the test results either.

       That’s the way it is in life. The truth may be bitter but hiding from it won’t falsify it. We've got to accept the truth and only then can we do something about it.

       You can never accept Christ if you don’t acknowledge the truth that you’re a sinner and desperately need Him. When you run away from that truth, you’ll never be able to fully appreciate and accept the prize that Jesus paid on our behalf.

       The devil then takes advantage of this situation, deceiving us into believing that we’re alright without Jesus Christ as the center of our lives. And even to thinking that on our own we can attain morality and true satisfaction.

        But when we embrace the truth then we’ll appreciate the death of Christ and accept Him as Lord of our totality both in good and bad times. We will be strengthened to do all things. 

        Accepting the truth in every situation actually helps build our faith which in turn sets us free!


  1. #word#Truth is life....jesus is THE WAY,THE TRUTH and THE LIFE.....speak on dear,i hear u loud and clear...

  2. #word#Truth is life....jesus is THE WAY,THE TRUTH and THE LIFE.....speak on dear,i hear u loud and clear...

  3. ...for this reason I was born: to bear witness to the truth (Jn18:37)
    Funmi QED!

  4. Yeah and the truth is all you need to set you on the right path!@Stanley


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