One Step At A Time...

Gal. 6:9
"So let’s not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t give up."

      Coming up with an idea isn't difficult. However, bringing it to reality is not such an easy task.
      Searching for the right words to use, praying daily for inspiration and the effectiveness to light the fire again within someone, A lot of things I've had to go through before this 'dream-come-true' moment (as is the case with most of us).
      But most of all, I think its the fear within of starting out that really posed the biggest obstacle. Just like the Casting Crowns song that says 'I am my own worst enemy'.
      I do thank God for my father's advice which I held on to. Its really been helpful. He said ' let us not for the fear of failure not attempt the height life has given us'. This piece really gave me some measure of courage coupled with messages from church and encouragement from friends and family. Most especially, the Word of God which can help us through ANY situation. 
      All these have been instrumental to my decision of working to publish 3 posts every Monday as a means of service to God and man. Handling issues we face daily, the little things we overlook, reminding ourselves of who we truly are and so much more with the guidance of the Scriptures as we trace our steps back to our first love, Our Lord Jesus Christ.
      I sincerely pray that some one's life gets touched and keeps the faith. I know that together, one step at a time, we'll make it through whatever we face!


  1. Well said Funmi, Eccles 7:14 says "on a good day, thank the Lord on a bad day, examine your conscience...". God's plan will still prevail no matter the outcome of each day.

  2. You too dear! Thanks for that piece.. God is truly great... God bless you Emmy!


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