Safety Conscious

     I can remember as far back as when I was in primary school and had to trek home with a group of friends. Even the joke we made up about bikers because we would look for a middle-aged man as we felt that those who were too young were reckless and those that were too old were about to die soon (and we didn't want to get involved, you know... Just being on the safe side).

     Most of all, I think it was my near-death experience when I was 7 that registered the consciousness in my mind. I was trying to cross the road with my brothers when one thing led to another and I found myself under a bus which had lost control. I wasn't paying attention and was oblivious to the situation and fell while my brother was trying to pull me away to safety. Although there was no fatal or very serious injury, I had to stay at home to recover for 3months to recover fully.

     So you see its necessary to be safety conscious in whatever you're doing be it in human relations or your daily routines. Sometimes being in too much of a hurry or using harsh words could cost us dearly.

     However, what's going on today is rather appalling. Kids just play on the road like its Wonderland and crazy accidents are posted on the media. When asked by my mum about why a woman left her son to play on the road, she gave the excuse that her son likes cars especially the moving ones...
     Remember! You can retrieve a missed call but not a missed life. So, please let's make a conscious effort to stay safe and let God handle the rest.  Thank you!


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