Ambassadors Not Citizens

When I got the realization of this statement ‘I am Christ’s Ambassador’, I felt broken. All along I’d just say it as slang, so easily without any deep thinking.

You know when you’re in a place that’s not your home, you don’t feel too comfortable and you gradually begin to long for home… You get HOMESICK. That’s the exact same way it is for us as we are here on Earth.

It’s not our home and we aren’t meant to make it home. We were sent here on a temporary assignment and as such we are meant to come in as ambassadors to an enemy nation. Learn its language, customs, make known our objectives and complete our assignment.

But when you fail your assignment; get comfortable, make here your home and forget your true identity. Well… It’s not something we don’t know the results of.

Therefore, God makes us feel/experience things that make us dissatisfied, angry, stressed and we begin to question Him. Well, it’s all to remind us that we can’t afford to get comfortable as time is running out.

As Christians, we are Christ’s ambassadors not Earth’s citizens. This life is a test, trust and a temporary assignment. Realizing this will greatly change how we handle our lives.

So sit up and do your assignment… The time is now!  


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