Where God Can't See You

Heb 4:13 (CEV)
"...Nothing is hidden from God! He sees through everything, and we will have to tell Him the the truth."
     While in a class in church, the instructor told us something that was quite shocking at first but very true. She said we can sin as we like. We can drink, smoke, sleep around and abort, steal and do anything we liked with anyone we wanted to.

      I was amiss! How can a believer and moreover, my instructor be saying such? But then she added ‘Do all these where God can’t see you’. And I began to wonder, where that place could be.

     We had to search through the Scripture until we found the answer: NOWHERE!

     God sees all things and nothing is hidden from him. Even if you went to a dark corner or stayed underground or even ventured into outer space to get ‘high’, He’d still see you!

     So why hide and pretend no one saw your mishaps? Your parents or friends may not have seen you but God did. He’s that still small voice that tries to draw you out of there.

     But the amazing thing is that no matter what we've done, God is always willing to forgive and accept us. Just as He did to Paul and Moses who murdered, to David who committed adultery, Zacchaeus the tax collector and so many others, He wants to do to you only if you let Him (1 John 1:19).

     All you have to do is tell Him your sins and accept Him in your life as Lord and Savior. Trust me, it may seem hard but you’ll be glad you did!


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