The Forgotten Tool

John 15:12
"Now I tell you to love each other, as I have loved you"

      According to the Advanced English Learner’s Dictionary, appreciation is 'recognition with gratitude'. In other words, it’s a feeling accompanied by an action.

      However, the problem with many of us is that we feel it but we don’t gratify or express it. Like someone I know would say ‘in my heart of hearts’. And I’m like ‘How do you expect us to know what’s going on in not just your heart but in your heart of hearts?’

     "Nobody cares how much you knowuntil they know how much you care." (Theodore Roosevelt). So if you’re grateful to someone, please express it to that person. I never knew what it felt like for someone to be happy with I do until my friend told me ‘I’m proud of you’. Only Heaven knows the joy I experienced and I always strive to do better just to make someone proud of me.

      Even God expressed His love for us by sending His only Son to die for us while we were yet sinners (Romans 5:8, John 3:16). He wasn't just talking the talk, He walked the walk. And this is the most powerful expression of love.

      If God could express His feeling for us, how much more are we to express our feelings to Him through worship and to others through appreciation?

      I’m sure we all know how it feels when all our back-breaking effort goes unnoticed and how it is when someone appreciates us. It might be a little act but it’s sure worth it.  


  1. Appreciation, giving towards anybody,congratulations,thankgiving nd so on are sure signs of a kingdom person...when we dnt do dix, we are actually nt reflecting christ...remember he always referenced nd gave tanks to d father God almighty even till death......tnk u OBJ...saying im proud of u, is lik sayin I never knew u were destined for greatness or dat ur future wasnt gona b beautiful..."im just overwhelmed with joy dat d high expectations,d high esteem, d high ratings, d high respect I had nd stil have for u never came bk to me VOID...I tnk God for d grace to use u as an instrument nd vehicle for his kingdom...bless ur hrt dear...GOD sees

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  3. Yes and that's the problem with many.. They fail to show gratitude.. Thank you for that dear!

  4. The greatest commandments are love based showing that it's the greatest virtue, appreciate God and others around you. Even modern psychologist call it altruism, the selfless practice of helping others or wanting and doing good for them.
    A life not lived for others is not worthwhile say Einstein and Mother Theresa.


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