Burning Out

“When life is heavy and hard to take, go off by yourself. Enter the silence. Bow in prayer. Don’t ask questions. Wait for hope to appear. Don’t run from trouble. Take it full-face. The ‘worst’ is never the worst.”
(Lam. 3:28-30)

Nothing seemed to make sense anymore…

Behind on my plans and losing peace and balance was becoming a reality for me though I knew I needed help fast!

I knew that I was going to break down anytime soon, as I had a lot on my plate at the moment, but not in public and, at least, not in church service on the same day I thought about it. I knew I needed a retreat to refill, review and re-strategize.  I was running almost empty…

Good news: I had the retreat and all went well. I’m much better now, all fired up!

After this phase, I got to find out that a lot of people are going through similar situations and are losing strength. Some people feel as though they’re going to break down or die anytime soon, some others feel inadequate while, surprisingly still, some others are moving at optimal speed without any of such issues bothering them like they've got it all under control!

Truth is, you need to learn to retreat, away from the noise and the routine fast-paced life you've been submerged into and just stay silent for a while. Enter into the silence…

Take a break! It’s okay to do so once in a while (weekly, monthly or as frequently and as necessary as possible – not too often to get lazy and not too far apart to break down) and get to really sit down and think and write/plan. It’s not a sign of weakness as I've gotten to discover but one of wisdom, sincerity and strength.

Even in the speed races, the cars do stop for a quick check to ensure that they don’t just run carelessly but at top notch speed and in accuracy.

It may seem as though you’re about to lose it or you’re way behind on schedule or things just aren't making sense to you anymore…

Don’t worry. It’s simply time to leave the highway and get into the filling station.

Don’t burn out…

Get a refill!

Get ignited!

*Read through Lamentations 3:19-33


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