Starting 2018...

“I need to get my life in order for 2018. I need a retreat! I need a day off to sit down, think clearly and plan ahead…”*sighs*…

With the tide of activities and my mum calling me up and down to do this and to do that in preparation for the Christmas and New Year celebrations (food, food and food), my burden of school work, assignments, my final year project work and my church duties to perform… I must say I felt quite overwhelmed.

Truth be told, I lost track. Days ran into each other and I hadn’t gotten anything major done by the 29th (Dec. 2017). I was in dire need of a day-off for my retreat but it just wasn’t happening.

Then I got in touch with my Aunty Laraba! My lady in shining armor!

She advised me to end my day early and wake up really early (9:00 pm-2:00 am) and get started on my retreat from 2:00 am-5:00 am daily for the next three days.

I started off today (slept from 10:30 pm-3:30 am) from 3:30 am-5:30 am and it was A-M-A-ZING! (although the timing didn’t quite match…I still got it done).

I accomplished a whole lot within those 2 hours of peace and quiet. I got to set my goals, thought about my plans and prayed too. Then I decided to just keep the ball rolling; devotions for the next hour with intimate Bible study, chores… and my day is just getting started!

Don’t wait for things to become favourable. Take the bull by the horns and make things happen.

2018 is a year to DO. Don’t stall, just do!

Happy New Year! I wish you a year of focus, achievement and fulfillment!

*BTW, I never knew that '9:00pm' was wrong. It's actually '9:00 pm'!


  1. Nice write up dear. **sighs*** I wish I had read this write up when the year was starting. As a matter of fact I just started adjusting my time to making use of the late night hours. I discovered that my brain functions more at odd hours, there is so much peace and quietness. I even got to think and achieve much more than I had planned. Thanks Dear I celebrate you.


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