
So... like play like play, 2017 is coming to an end (someone said that October lasted for 0.05 seconds... lol).

All through the year, it’s been from one blessing to another, one problem to another, one day to another, and now we’re finally here counting down 3 days to 2018 and drawing up the resolutions which we hope to follow through the next year.

Truthfully, I never thought that Nigeria would still be peaceful by this time with all we went through this year. From the economic recession to the political dramas to the threats to the Ibos to evacuate the North and the whole clamour for Biafra to the present fuel palaver, we’re still as bustling as ever.

Personally, I thought this year was IT. I’d tell my friend that if I didn’t die this year, I wasn’t going to die again! From nervous breakdowns to times of ‘drought’ (literally), I pulled through safe and sound. I actually found myself even more relevant to the people around me because I knew how it felt to be broken too.

All in all, it’s been a great year! I got to learn some more stuff for the next phase of my life, met some wonderful persons this year that loved and supported me through my processes, and strengthened the bonds in my family and my friends.

Indeed, there’s so much to be thankful for this year! Look back with an open and clear mind, search through the year and count your blessings. You’d be surprised at how thankful you should be!

God has been my Father and Source this year; He’s been my Jireh (Provider)! There’s no better word in my heart to caption how I feel.

He provided every step of the way; friends, comfort, sustenance, clarity, love, peace, hope...

I believe there’s more in 2018!

Don’t give up just yet... Hang on in there!


  1. Indeed it's been an awesome year. Praise be to God

  2. Looking back at the end of each year deeply, you will always find something to be thankful of.


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