Veggies and Candies

To leave seemed like the best option.

It wasn’t going to be an easy one but I had thought a lot about my dissatisfaction and what I thought was best for me.

I did pause to think about my friends, superiors and those who possibly looked up to me. I knew it was going to be a tough one but then, I mattered most or so I thought.

So, I decided to pray for God to orchestrate things the way I had thought it out, if He also agreed that it was the right thing for me. I felt real good about it too.

After a talk with a close senior friend about my choice, I began to reconsider my actions. Thing is, I decided to look within and I found out that I was actually the one with the problem. I had become stuck up and I just wanted to do my own thing, quite a rebel too.

Also, I got to see that God is even more interested in our growth than we are. If He wants you in or out of anywhere, He’ll make it happen because He works all things for our good. I am the apple of His eyes and He’s not about to care one bit less about my well-being.

True but quite annoying (for me sha) is the fact that in becoming better, your emotions may not quite matter in the process. What’s most important is the vision; the big picture.

So God will indeed put you in some situations you may find uncomfortable but its part of the refining process and He has a perfect image of you in mind. What will matter on your part however, is your reaction or response.

Will you be ready to yield… to stick it out through your processes or simply back out and run?

You made the decision to give Him your life and He knows what is best for you and promises to guide you.

Think of it as a child who has to eat his veggies but wants candies instead… for the good parent, crying and throwing tantrums won’t really solve the matter but eating those veggies will!


  1. Awesome write up. Indeed, my emotions doesn't matter in this process. What matters is the end result....

    1. You're welcome sister mia.... Btw that picture up there cracks me up... Your source for Quality Auto Parts


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