Security 101: Lock The Door

It's really important to keep your doors locked. It's a very simple thing to do that could go a long way in preventing some intruders from getting in.

It's so simple that we may tend to overlook it sometimes or probably forget.

This was an experience I had recently, just this Tuesday actually. It's more of a testimony for me...

It was late Tuesday night and I was home alone. My brothers had gone to church for the leaders' meeting and ought to have been back by 8:30-9pm. I was a bit worried because it was getting late (few minutes past 9pm) and they weren't back. I was in the room and all the lights except for the room and the kitchen light were switched off.

Next thing I knew, someone tried to open the back door without knocking. I assumed it was my brother (we like to use the back door) and I ran for the door to welcome them. But on second thought, I decided to ask 'Who's there?'. There was no response rather I heard footsteps that sounded like someone running away. I immediately went into 'stealth mode'!

About five minutes later, my brothers opened the front door with the key they had. I thought they were playing a prank so I asked if they tried to open the back door. They said it wasn't them.

That was when it dawned on me that I could have been a victim that night. I've heard a lot of stories about thieves and their activities at night but this felt too real.

 It was prevented by simply keeping the doors locked.

PS: Please💕, do feel free to comment and share your experiences too probably on how some safety measures helped you get out of harm's way... It may be vital to someone out there😇😇! 


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