
I mean, its Sunday service and everyone is worshiping God, singing and praying in tears and joy… and it seems like I’m the only one who can’t connect!

I and only I know why. It scares me. It haunts me. I shouldn’t have but I did it. Worst of all, I did it on Saturday night!!!

How can I, after committing such a sin on Saturday night, come and feel good about myself and worship God, like they do, on Sunday morning?

Honestly, right now, I just don’t feel like a Christian…

Many of us feel or have felt this way at times, even after praying for forgiveness like a million times and over, so hard your heart ached… That was me... I felt really horrible in service and doubted if God had truly forgiven or even loved me anymore… wondering if, just maybe, He’d gotten tired of me.

But then I heard it loud and clear as I sat in my seat:

“Your distance or time away from sin doesn’t make you any more righteous  than the other person”.

God never gave His salvation or righteousness to us in measures; He gave it once for all (just accept it). God loves us all THE SAME. Even when you fall, if you repent of it, He’ll never turn His back on you.

He’ll never get tired of you or me, never! (Micah 7:19, Proverbs 24:16)

He doesn’t love you based on your feelings, He cares for you whether you know/like it or not. You may not be feeling it sometimes but know the truth that Jesus loves you ALL THE TIME…

And the truth shall set you free!



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