Give up...?

Uh... I really don't know what to say. I'm sorry I missed out on posting last week. I hope that action will not repeat itself though it's been hard and may even get tougher but I know that with God it's going to be alright!

Last two weeks, I wrote When Prayer was all I Had and that was a really tough one for me because it was unscripted, straight out from my heart. It wasn't the usual research, write and cross-check post like the others... It was me... It was me trying to get across as simply as I could and also trying to reach out to someone out there who's going through difficult times to pray through it.

I hope it helped because prayer really worked for me and it will continue to work for each and every one of us who just comes out as they are and speaks with God, our Father, and seeks His help.

When I began a personal study of the Bible, I began to see that truly, there's no one that God used to do great things and even the little things that didn't have any challenge or obstructions and distractions. Just because it all happened in the past doesn't mean that it wont apply to us in the present and even in the future.

Moses had the problem of stuttering or stammering God's command to a king. He also had the big problem of returning to where he was labelled a murderer and a fugitive to declare God's Word. He had the problem of crossing the Red Sea ahead of him and of slavery or possible death behind him. He had the issue of leading a very stubborn and ungrateful tribe for God; mediating and interceding on their behalf.

Isn't that enough to just give up and quit?! Besides, the people you are even trying to help are either grumbling or thinking of going back and the God that sent you even wanted to wipe 'em out! That should be a good enough reason to tell God that it just isn't worth it, shouldn't it?

Today, however, Mr. Moses is celebrated worldwide for not giving up. Looking at every character in the Bible, the same applies... So why should I give up? Why should you?

There are more than enough reasons at every point in time to give up in life just in case you're waiting for that 'smooth path' but it's up to you to stand strong and move forward... empowering your faith with work!

Please don't give up on that idea or on that marriage or on that degree or your parents or your children or your training... No pain, no gain! 


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