Getting Out Of The Old

Have you ever been confronted with the situation of having so many clothes but whenever you want to go out for special occasions, you just can’t find what to wear?

You find yourself being stuck in one phase of life for like forever and it seems as though everyone grew up and left you behind?

Your peers are quoting scriptures off-hand and unveiling the Bible and you still find it hard memorizing Psalm 23?

Well, one thing is sure, effort makes a difference. It takes mental and even physical effort to get out of some lifestyles and conditions. Putting in effort to make yourself better always pays off. You have to be deliberate as well about being who you want to be in as much as God is deliberate about your life.

Quality! I wish I had this orientation before going off to buy cheap clothes and being fascinated about them. Have quality clothes even if they cost you (of course they will) although in a reasonable way in line with your income.

Personally, I’ve taken the extra step of throwing out all those ‘low quality’ clothes and items especially the ones that I wear probably once in a century out of my wardrobe. I got more space and could reasonably evaluate what I have and need.

It aids proper planning and specificity of requests. It also helps you look and feel better and more organized and tidy although it could be hard at first.

“You’ve got to let go of old things before you can receive the new things”

You’ve got to let go of grudges, temper, pride, some old and childish personalities to grow into a mature and a responsible individual (1Corinthians 13:11). You’ve got to let go of some old things/clothes/habits to let the new ones in or else there will be no space for it all.

I know it may sound cliché but it’s as true as ever: You’ve got to get out of the old…. And into the new!


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