Choose To Be The Better Person

Most times we expect some courtesy from the other person when we’re walking on the streets or down the stairs or some certain things from someone. We also tend to get our hopes up when expecting things from people. It’s not like it’s a bad thing because we all have our expectations. And we also expect people to behave responsibly as adults or in a certain way, don’t we?

In choosing to be the better person, you’ve got to take away those expectations and ‘place’ them on yourself. Sometimes you've got to stop expecting so much from people. When you eagerly expect plan A to work without a plan B, you’re going to be really disappointed if it doesn’t work out.

Same as with people… Other People = Plan A.   You = Plan B.

When you expect more from yourself, you gradually stop expecting so much from the other person. Thus, reducing the rate at which you get disappointed and keeping you in a healthy state of mind. You switch positions and become the Plan A!

Personally, I’ve stopped expecting people to share things with me or do certain things for me or even for the kids to give way for me when walking on the road. I’ve chosen to be the better person. Even when someone else annoys me, I don’t wait to be approached. Rather, I apologize or just resolve the situation. Besides, forgiveness liberates!

Most people may think it’s wrong to adopt this lifestyle but it’s actually working for me and other people I’ve met. It improves me and makes me worry less. Even when faced with depressing situations, I just shake off the grudge and take up the responsibility to even things out.

It also helps me place more responsibilities on myself thus, stretching my capacity to be and do more. Idleness is also reduced which is a good thing too.

"When you tell yourself that you're going to be the better person, you begin to do things better and do better things."

I hope that from today, in our personal lives and in our relationship with people…. We’ll always choose to be the better person!
for more on how to be a better person, visit


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