What Is In Your Hands?
"Then the LORD your God will prosper you abundantly in all the work of your hand..." (Deuteronomy 30:9)
Most times we are about to do something or start something up but we are held back by fear. Other times we tell ourselves that we have nothing to offer, or we have very little. When you look all around you, there may seem to be every reason to belittle yourself and sit back in the fear of the unknown.
Do you know that you're a very unique creature and there's never and never will be anyone exactly you!? Therefore, no one has what you have unless you give it to them and they may never be able to handle it as well as you. So you see, you are and have something very important!
God will only bless the work of your hands; your efforts. You may think about it but its not until you apply effort that it'll mean anything.
'As the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without deeds is dead.'(James 2:26)
However, most people just expect the showers of blessings to fall on them without them having any work or means of livelihood. They have applied no effort but expect results. On what exactly, if I may ask? How can harvest be expected of a farm when no seed has been planted?
It's never too late to do some soul searching and find out what it is you have to offer and how you can develop yourself to a world-class level. You need to live above the norm of mediocrity. Is it farming, public speaking, blogging, IT, singing, dancing, law, medicine or whatever else even strategic thinking? Nothing can ever be insignificant because you hold the solution to someone's problems probably through counselling, art, music.
You have something in your hands which God gave you when He made you. Although He expects results, He always helps us through every difficulty. He makes a way when there seems to be none.
God uses the simple things we hold in our hands to touch the lives of others. There are three things we have in our hands that may seem insignificant, but which have the potential to become life-changing; serving, prayer and family. (Benny Hinn)
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