A Trailblazer’s Survival Kit (2)


What will you do when ‘casala’ bursts?

How would you handle being stranded alone in enemy territory?

These were the questions we were tackling last week in the first edition of this series. We established that as a believing trailblazer, the first tool in your survival kit should be Confidence in God; don’t panic, only believe!

Now, this week, we’re going to be moving on to the second tool which is indeed extremely necessary for you to have at all times in crisis and that is…

What is Faith? (Hebrews 11:1) It’s believing in God and His ability to do all things for you! That’s simple enough, isn’t it?

When you’re in trouble, a whole lot of things are going to be running through your head and the most dominant feeling at that time would be FEAR. But it also means ‘False Evidence Appearing Real’. Take note of the word ‘False’. That means it’s fake and needs to be countered with what is true!

So we’ve got to find the exact opposite of false/fake which is true/original and that my dear, is FAITH!

Therefore, you shouldn’t just lose hope and wait out for death. No! You should believe that God can and He will save you. In the light of that, you begin to think and act differently… you might even begin to see things and live differently!

Never give up on yourself and most especially, never give up on God. Have faith! Hold on! He will surely see you through.


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