The World-Class Christian

Hmm… Sounds strange right?

In the world… not of the world… yet a world-class Christian???

It’s actually possible! And if I may say, the will of God for each and every one of His own; that we all become world-class sons and daughters of the Kingdom of God.

Let’s take a look at Daniel in the Bible. He was a righteous youth and served God faithfully. He refused to bow down to any other god and was tossed into a hot burning furnace yet suffered no harm. However, he didn’t just stop at that spiritual level; he also expressed the same outstanding nature in his skill and profession.

He was revered by the king and his counsel was sought before any major decision was to take effect by the king. HE lasted in office for more than one regime, even when a new king wanted to remove him, the king was warned by his mother to desist from such. This was due to the value not only placed on Daniel but also in the value Daniel had placed on his life.

As a Christian, you’re extremely valuable! In anything you do, let it be valuable. Be a legend not just in your locality (village champion) but to the whole world. Flee from mediocrity! God has never and will never be associated with mediocrity in all He is and does.

Some think its un-Christian to develop their skills in other aspects aside spirituality. It’s become ‘humility’ to take second place. You’re supposed to read only spiritual books. It’s God’s will that you remain where you are… What a false life! Even God wants improvement (The parable of the talents ;Matthew 25:14-30).

Don’t be too spiritual for God to use. In as much as you develop your spirituality, you need to realize that Christ is your LIFE not only your faith. Therefore, display His excellence in every part of your life.

The whole world knows Christ, do they know you? You who carries Christ?! (Acts 19:15)

Set the standard in your field. Step up your game. No more compromise.


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