His Love: A Way Out

God’s love is really an amazing concept. No matter how many times you look at it, you just keep learning something new and getting more and more astounded.

God’s love is life! Out of love, He created all things, died for us and lives for us.

It may seem as though His original plan for man failed in the Garden of Eden… but wait a minute! Does God ever fail?!

When He drove Adam and Eve out of the Garden, He actually did it out of love! Strange right?

In removing mankind from the Garden of Eden and placing guards at the tree of life, God didn’t just punish man for his disobedience, God also prevented man from being further deceived by the serpent (Satan) into eating of the fruit of the tree of life and gaining immortality in sin; an irredeemable sinful man.

God’s love may seem unreasonable a times as we fail to see that in the pain was a plan; a plan for redemption through salvation by the death of Jesus Christ. 


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