Do Miracles Still Happen?

Most times, we doubt the occurrences of miracles attributing them to the times of old or to some special men of God. However, there are miracles happening around us that we’re not even aware of! (Miracles are meant to be used as tools of evangelism to unbelievers and encouragement to the believers, not for amusement or amazement.)

Here are some testimonies from Church on Sunday, really amazing, that proves that God still works in our midst till today:

1.       Saved From The Well

A little 4-year old girl in Abuja was playing with her friend and little sister when her friend pushed her into a nearby, uncovered well in that friend's house. Cries of alarm were sounded and the friend’s mother rushed to seek help when she found out.

On finding a church member, they got a ladder and the man went into the well to rescue the little girl. To his utmost surprise, he found her standing on the surface of the water of the well (which was very deep and had enough water to drown an adult). ‘Body just cold me’ said the man.

In her own words, she told her ‘still-in-shock’ mum “Yes, I fell into the well but there was someone holding me”. She suffered no injuries and only had her socks and shoes soaked with water.

2.       Omo! Na God Oh!

Mr. George was coming back from a late interview and decided to take a shortcut to the bus stop. It was a rather dark and lonely path. However, he saw someone walking towards him but he felt he saw a knife drop from the man’s hand. He dismissed as a thought and resigned to his fate if indeed it was a thief as he was too tired.

Unfortunately, he was assaulted by the man when he was about to walk past the man. Two other people joined in with one on the lookout. They took his bag which contained his new laptop and left him in a state of weakness.

According to George, he heard a voice telling him to follow them. So, he got up and followed them from behind. The voice told him to pull of his tie, suit and shoes which he did. Unknowing to him, this disguised his look because even one of the thieves turned back but couldn't recognize him.

On reaching a place with people, George began to shout ‘Thief, Thief’ and everyone began to chase the thieves who took off and dropped his bag containing the laptop.
When asked what prompted his smart move, all he could say was ‘Omo, Na God oh!’.

Through these and more (to be posted next week), we can see that God still works in His various and wonderful ways. He still speaks to us even today through His Spirit; to His children all alike. Miracles are real; only trust and obey.


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