Why You Should Never Be Alone!

‘Jenny’s really weird. She stays on her own a lot and doesn’t talk to anyone. She’s got no friends and always sits alone in the corner of the class. I don’t think I’ve ever seen her smile let alone laugh... pale, gloomy and weird? That’s Jenny!

Being alone for a while or having your quiet time isn’t a bad idea, is it?

Absolutely not! Such a time could be used to improve oneself; plan, think straight, reflect, be creative…

However too much of ‘alone time’ and then you’ll have a ‘Jenny’.

It affects your psyche as well as your outlook. Research shows that too much loneliness increases the risk of death by 26%!

Solitude gives way for depression to set in and this is not good for your health.

I felt like being alone for a while just to get myself back. Then I stayed alone for too long and started feeling lonely, as though I had no friends. It began to affect me badly.

I found it hard to put up a smile, read, concentrate and even breathe easily. I started losing my confidence and got depressed!

-Truth is, you’re never alone! 7.4 billion people and you’re feeling lonely?-

Man is a social being. God understood this need when Adam felt alone. Therefore, He created Eve (woman) and told them to multiply! This is why we need friends as well as the believer needs the Church (fellowship of Christians).

Are you feeling forgotten because your phone hasn’t rung in days? Then pick up your phone and scroll through your contacts. Send a text to at least 10 people.

Result: At least 10 calls or texts.

Whenever you’re feeling lonely, get into a sphere of friends or into the company of a friend. It’s an uplifting experience!


  1. Being alone also helps a lot of foreign ideas get into your head... it's like something is messing with you when it's actually yourself and all you need to do is create a better atmosphere... escape through music or something that will uplift u...especially with friends!
    Trust me! Depression isn't funny.


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