Where Did We Go Wrong?


Timmy and his team of sailors knew they had made a terrible mistake. Though no one admitted it, they knew they had gone completely out of track when the men on the night duty fell asleep.

It was not until Timmy addressed his men and told them to face the ugly truth: they were in the middle of nowhere and were running short out of resources. They had two options: One, they could go back to where they thought they’d missed it (wasting even more resources) and continue on the right path from there. Two, they could sit down, strategize and plan a way out…

SO many of us today are being confronted or have been confronted with this situation where we feel like we’ve lost our way and need to get things right especially in relationship settings. Both partners keep on asking themselves, where did we go wrong?

Even in our personal lives when things feel out of place or don’t work out as planned, the same question still bothers us: Where did I go wrong?

I kept on asking myself that question for so long I didn’t even notice that things around me were getting even worse.

Truth is, when you find the spot, what’s next? You’d have already spent so much time, energy, and resources when you could have simply re-strategized.

Ask for the help of the Holy Spirit, of friends and counselors to get back on track.

Take off! Waste not a minute more. Rather than asking where we went wrong, why not ask WHERE DO WE GO FROM HERE?



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