When You’re Too Spiritual for God


God is Spirit.

However, there comes a point in time when even we, physical beings especially Christians, become 'too spiritual' for God to use.

We become resistant to change and stick to the old ways. We feel like we are sin itself when we accept to speak on issues like relationships, sex, etc. Even the thought of greeting someone that is not from your church or is not like you becomes unacceptable. Condemnation becomes the order of the day as we judge people for what they do.

I saw a post that caught my attention; it read “Don’t judge me because I sin differently from you”. It got me thinking: Why would I judge someone for fornication when I carry lust in my heart? The manifestation of the sin is not what matters only but also the thought of it (Matthew 5:28). Or why criticize someone for playing video games during the sermon while I was sleeping also? Weren't we both 'not in tune'?

My pastor usually says that some of us are too spiritual for God to use; we've become too 'spiricoco'. We see ourselves as ‘the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus’ and as such we are not to have contact or conversations with other people that are not born again.

However, when Jesus gave us the Great Commission, He charged us to go out into the WORLD and preach the gospel. He welcomed sinners and ate with them as He had said that it is the sick not the healthy that needs the doctor.

We need to break out of religion and open our eyes to the people around us and the issues they face. Put yourself in people’s shoes and relate with them from that viewpoint. Don’t be so quick to judge others just because you had the opportunity and conviction to accept Christ and they haven’t.

For the sake of balance, please don’t sin along. Learn to save others without drowning yourself in the sea like Jesus did. He influenced the whole world without changing from His nature. Hold fast to your salvation but in love and unity with the Holy Spirit; learn to reach out to others so that they can also enjoy this FREE GIFT of salvation. It’s not earned lest any man should boast (Ephesians 2:8-9).

We are spiritual as much as we are physical. In love, learn to lead others to the truth… don’t be too ‘spiritual’ for God to use!


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