4 Amazing Things To Do With Your Youth


Let no man despise your youth... (1 Timothy 4:12)

The best time of your life is in your youth. You’re full of energy, passion and drive. However, you need to learn how to drive your energy towards your passion in line with your purpose.

From 18-30 years of age, you’ve got to get it right! Pay the price now or else you’ll pay it later when you’re supposed to be reaping the fruits of your labor. Engage yourself in:

-Purpose Discovery: With the help of God, you’ve got to find out why you’re where you are. When you know the way, the journey becomes easier. Don’t just stop there, fulfill it!

-Personal Development: Pay the price now and build yourself in line with the future. Develop yourself (skills, abilities) for tomorrow. Build your capacity!

-Entrepreneurship: As a youth, you’ve got to be focused. Learn and have mentors. Start up something to finance your plans. Build your business with a world-class perspective in view. Rise!

-Leadership: I’m currently working on this (been tough tho). Leadership is responsibility! Take up responsibilities. Trim off unnecessary weights in your life. Challenge yourself. Lead people to make leaders out of them if not ‘you’re just taking a walk’. Start small, finish big!

As a youth, you’ve got the world at your fingertips. The day you tell yourself that you’re old, you stop pushing and improving. Always speak positive to yourself. Motivate yourself. You’re forever young (at heart)!


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