The Shortest, Most Effective Prayer

  James 2:19, Philippians 2:10-11

Before I started blogging, I knew the devil didn’t want me to because he was afraid of its potentials and my desire to save souls through writing. He haunted me with fear which caused me to delay the project.

Finally, I decided to start off the next day. So, before I went to sleep, I checked on the posts that were ready for publishing, said my prayers and went to bed with my brother by the side.

While asleep, I felt a presence, very evil, in the room and the next thing I knew, it pinned me down on the bed and disabled all forms of movement even breathing. I tried calling out to my brother but the words only stayed in my head; unable to speak a word. I thought to myself that he could help me but I remembered that it is only Jesus that saves! Then I started calling on the name of Jesus Christ repeatedly. From my head, it moved down to my throat and out! As soon as I said it out loud, I got control of my body and was loosed!

Many times the devil will most assuredly creep into our lives with FEAR. The only weapon he has and knows how to use along with deceit which also stems out of fear. The fear of failure, lack of pleasure, loneliness, poverty, sin itself, God (that He won’t forgive) and so many others. But we are not to cower in fear for he has already been defeated and fights in fear but in vain.

JESUS settled it once and for all and at the mention of His name every plot fails, every attack ceases and every evil flees. When Smith Wigglesworth was to pray for a sick man, all he and his team prayed was ‘Jesus, Jesus, Jesus…’ And even till today that prayer still works!

When words fail you and everything seems to be turning to a dead end… Just remember the shortest, most powerful name on Earth, ‘JESUS’!


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