Scared? Do It Anyway!


" It’s okay to be scared. Being scared means you’re about to do something really, really brave" (Mandy Hale).

Little Chinedum is always afraid of doing something new or grown up. As a member of the follow-up department in the church, she’s required to usher out first-timers to the reception venue but she had never done it. Even her pleas showed how scared she was when I told her to usher two guys out to the reception venue for the first time. However, when I went to usher out some other people, I took a quick glance at her direction and saw her helping the two guys out of the church hall… I must say I felt really proud of her.

Although her story may never feature in history among the great stories of overcoming your fears like Joyce Meyer, Moses and other great people, I knew for sure that she had faced her fear and conquered it!

One terrible thing fear does is to pin you down and limit you in your thoughts. It’s the greatest weapon of the devil which he presents in many forms to scare people from moving forward or letting go of the past.

Fear is like a bit of paralysis and Parkinson’s disease. It doesn’t allow you to move forward and makes you shiver and shake in retreat. Sometimes it may even leave you at a standstill. Don't get comfortable with fear.

“When you’re scared you stay as you are” (Stephen Richards).

To grow or mature is to live above your fears. A public speaker must learn to overcome stage frights or do it afraid. Fear or phobia or whatever you wanna call it will not only limit your thoughts but also yourself; keeps you from doing and becoming better.

Fear can make a moth seem like an elephant when fear is actually the size of a moth when confronted. It only takes decision and action to do anything you want or be whatever you want to be.

Live above your fears. Even if you’re afraid, learn to do it afraid! There are 365 ‘Fear Not’ in the Bible... One ‘Fear Not’ for each day!


  1. Thank you, Funmi. It has touched my life

  2. You're absolutely welcome my dear! You'll do great!!


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