His Love: A Revelation

I recently got on Wattpad and read this really cool story ‘Grace Alive’ by NatashaHouse7. It highlighted the condemning nature of Christians and the Grace of God. 

Many have been ‘taught’ that God’s mercy/forgiveness, help, love is earned and you’ll go to hell if you don’t impress Him or pray, pray and pray for His mercy to rain down.

-The love of God is unconditional and unmerited.-

Even if you don’t want it, He still loves you. He took out time not to count but to number your hairs like hair number 1, 2, 3… It’s not like He’s faking it or just acting to get our ‘support’, it’s His nature. HE IS LOVE.

The only problem is that our earthly configuration can’t comprehend it. I can’t understand His love by going to the best Bible school or reading all the books on God’s love.

His love is a revelation; a journey. There are so many new twists, turns and dimensions to it… you just can’t figure Him out. Even when I doubted and asked for a sign to prove that He’d forgiven me, HE overdid it!

Still not convinced? Try it out for yourself. Test and see that His love is true. Anytime, anywhere and anyhow, He’ll answer.


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