Here I Am Lord… Send Them!

Whenever the call came…

I responded...

‘Here I am Lord, send them!’

As funny as it may sound, many of us have put up this attitude. We come around for events or to church but once it’s time to work… phew! You’re out. My secondary school classmate was recognized for this act in an outstanding manner (without even being noticed or punished). This earned her the title of ‘sharpest’.

I had this mindset too and it still tries to raise its ugly head but I’ve got to subject myself consciously to work in order to develop myself.

NO organization employs workers to only answer the roll call but to get things done.

This problem stems from the act of seeing others as being more special than you are or as being set apart for the work, from laziness, self-comfort, fear…

-When you see a need, respond to it-

Stop excluding yourself from the work at hand. You’re actually a solution; the answer to someone’s prayer! You’re just as special and unique as ever.

Get involved, Start seeing yourself as part of the family of God, as part of the big picture.

When there’s a need, respond to it, fill it.

When the call comes…

Respond to it...

‘Here I am Lord, send me!’


  1. Read through most of your posts. You are being a blessing. Plus, yes I'm not dodging on the job. Here I an.. Send me not them. Lol
    You are loved

  2. Thank u very much ma! I'm really happy abt that.
    Lol... Thank u for also making yourself available. Here we are Lord, Send us! How I pray for that to be the nations' heart cry


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