Getting The Best Out of Your Rest

Man’s universal problem: stress.

How to handle it: rest.

How and when to rest? Here’s how…

Taking a break, clearing your mind or just getting out of the stress zone is extremely necessary for a healthy lifestyle. Laziness (lying in bed for 10hours) or time wasting is just not IT.

 One needs to rest after work or tasking one’s brain. Any mental or physical activity drains one’s energy and that energy needs to be recompensed.

Have a power nap. When you’re reading and you feel drowsy, just lay your head down on the table and take a 10-20minutes timed nap. You’ll notice a new sense of relief and strength… that’s a power nap (don’t sleep off though).

Shut down. Like literally shut down. You’re extremely tired, you lay down but can’t seem to sleep off immediately. Don’t operate your phones at this point, it’ll weaken your sight and probably cause you not to sleep. Simply allow all the processes going on without you to cool down before you shut down (just like shutting a computer down). Rest is a process.

Get a room. When you want to rest, find a zone. Stay away from crowds and activities. When you’re alone, the lesser the distractions, the more time you’ll have. Make your zone comfortable.

Find the spot. I could toss and turn for minutes looking for the ‘right spot’. It provides comfort and lets me loosen up. It could be a sleeping position or an area of the bed.

Get some FRESH air. Not the AC or fans but actual fresh air. Kick off those shoes, get into something comfy, let go of the bags and weights. It could be really early in the morning or in the cool evenings. Take a walk, jog, visit, have fun or do something you’re passionate about. This also helps create time for you.

In an overly stressful world, we just have to learn how to get some rest.



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