Always Come Expecting

Ephesians 3:20

I got into Church on Thursday for Bible Study with my blog note. Before the message, I got this topic. But when the pastor got on stage he started preaching about expectations… I came with that book expecting something from God and I got this.
 I went for our annual camp meeting and after my first ever water baptism, I heard a soft voice that said ‘Funmi, I want you to write for me’… I went for the event and the baptism expecting to experience what Christ experienced in his own baptism and to get direction from God. And in all these, God met and exceeded my expectations!
 It’s one thing to come to an event and another thing to come expecting. Most people just go for church events and other events for going sake. There’s no hunger for anything new. Just to fulfill all righteousness. This is a very wrong attitude; paying lip service while your heart is far away from Him.
Imagine if you’re asked to host the president or go to an event he hosted, wouldn’t you be expecting something BIG or something at all... how much more when you come into God’s presence? Be intentional about it! Don’t just stumble in and out empty.
My pastor said that God will never invite you for an event He hasn’t prepared; He always prepares the place and takes us there (Matthew 22:1-4). If you believe that He’s a BIG God, then you should also have BIG expectations; let your expectations scare you! Don’t doubt but have faith and patience like Abraham. Even if it’s not looking forthcoming, know that God makes all things beautiful at His appointed time!
Always come expecting God’s Hand at work in your life… Never expect to leave His presence the same!


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