Seeking The Lord

Deuteronomy 4:29, Jeremiah 29:13

While in prayer, the Holy Spirit instructed me to write on this topic. He made it clear that many people only know about God from readings and other people’s experiences. Only very few actually know the Lord personally through encounters and journeys in their relationships with God.

However, God wants people to know Him in their unique differences. God created diversity for beauty and unity not uniformity. It is in this that we can appreciate the beauty and purpose of His creation. He wants us to experience Him in His different ways. 

Many people have sought His hands for protection, provision and refuge in times of need; His presence in times of worship, manifestations and deliverance. But how many have truly sought His face; His identity?...Knowing Him as I AM.

I got to see that God is a masked man to many. People don’t know Him or haven’t identified Him in their personal lives. As a masked man, one doesn’t have a true identity or recognition; a stranger. When unveiled, you get to know who truly exists behind the veil/mask.

The Bible makes it clear that He makes Himself known to they that diligently seek Him with effort and care (Proverbs 8:17) like Abraham, Moses, Kenneth Hagin, Kathryn Kuhlman and so many others though there is a price one must pay.

Seeking Him will take you through encounters of experiencing Him personally and even to the point of transformation so as to become more like Him. This is when you’ll unlock a new level of relationship and find a reason to call Him sweet names like Jehovah Elohim, El-Shaddai, etc.

It is when you seek Him that you’ll find Him… That’s when life truly begins. 


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