God Wants All In
Colossians 3:17, Proverbs 16:1-3
A friend once told me that she
involves God in everything she does right down to picking hairstyles. Although
I had read about and practiced involving God in all aspects of my life, this
came as quite a shocker.
I got to learn the truth that God
doesn’t just want us to make Lord of our lives but also a part of it. Whenever
people have issues, they look for the closest (available) shoulder to cry on.
But God wants you to lean on Him; to know that He’s even closer than the clothes
on your back. He’s comforter, counselor and help in present times.
So, I decided to put it all into
practice by telling Him all of my plans and problems in every aspect of my life.
In my relationships, finance, decisions and whatever it is, I keep God informed
and involved all the way.
It may seem absurd at first,
talking to yourself or to the air but when you’re confident that God is
listening to your every word and thought in prayer, it all makes sense. And the
results too!
There’s this inner peace,
forgiveness, joy, wisdom, solutions, endurance, strength, better living and
freedom that you’re sure to receive when you involve Him in all you do. Whenever
I try to do it all on my own, I get frustrated, confused and weak! Nothing ever
seems to make sense with God out of the picture. He picks up every ugly piece
of me and makes me beautiful.
God doesn’t
want a part of you or what you have to offer… He wants you… ALL OF YOU!
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