God Wants All In 2

For years we have told God we didn't want Him in our schools. We didn't want Him in our government and we didn't want Him in our finances and God was being a perfect gentleman in doing just what we asked Him to do. We need to make up our mind — do we want God or do we not want Him. We cannot just ask Him in when disaster strikes. (Anne Graham Lotz) Last week, I talked about how fully God wants to be involved in our personal lives; He wants all in. He wants to be LORD and part of our lives just like a best friend (not that He isn’t Lord and part of our lives but He wants us to acknowledge it too). Now, if God wants to be part and parcel of our lives, each and every one of us, then we can equally say that He wants to be LORD and part of our organizations, human societies and all human structures. God wants to be Lord and part of the local and global economy, the educational sector, the business, entertainment and travel sector and every other sector th...