The Path To Purpose Discovery#3

Romans 8:28, Proverbs 19:21
Continued from Path to Purpose Discovery#1 and Path to Purpose Discovery#2

Why am I here? What was I born to do? In the previous chapter, I made it known that to know your purpose, you need to know your Creator because He is the best answer to the question.

I also pointed out the fact that God's mind is in His Word. His Word is a guide to knowing His intentions for our lives. In addition to that, I said that everyone on Earth was created for the same purpose, the only difference is our means towards fulfilling purpose and the audience we are called to reach.

Yes, everybody is not called to do the same things in the same way and everybody is not called to everyone. There is VARIETY!

That's why everybody is unique in his or her own way. Different personalities, different drives, different likes and dislikes. It's all in God's plan and that is why we should appreciate the way we are because it's only in that state we can fulfill our purpose.

According to God's Word, according to God's Word, according to our Creator's Word, It is clear He created us for 5 major reasons:

1. To please God; to worship and praise Him.

2. To belong to a family; the family of Christ.

3. To become like Christ, in His image and likeness.

4. For ministry; to serve God.

5. For missions, to reach out to the lost souls.

These five can be summarized as found in Ephesians 1:10 that in the dispensation of times, all things might be gathered together as one in Christ, both which are in Heaven and on the Earth.

These will be treated extensively in the next parts. Remain blessed as you find your path to purpose.

This post was written by Nze-Obi David. He is a Christian leader and a student at the University of Nigeria, Enugu Campus. Art is his ministry.


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