The Path to Purpose Discovery#2

Continued from the last part on purpose...The Path to Purpose Discovery#1

Purpose is one of the most sought after things. People need to have a reason for living. Everybody wants to be fulfilled in life. Our purpose for creation gives us this and it is therefore vital that we know exactly what we are doing on Earth.

In the last part I explained that to know your purpose, it is expedient that you know the one that created you. It is in the manual of a product that you get instructions on how to use the product.
To know God is to know His Word. The Word of God exposes us to His purpose for our lives. The word of God is God. The Bible says in the book of John that in the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God. The Word of God is therefore God’s manual for our lives.

The Word of God reveals the mind of God and that is why it can only be understood by divine revelation from the Holy Spirit. Our purpose is clearly stated in God’s Word so it is our job to discover it with the help of the Holy Spirit.

In the next part, I’ll explain clearly the five purposes of creation of man according to God’s Word. Just have this in mind: Every man has the same purpose what differs is the means to fulfilling our purpose and the people we are called to, our audience.

This post was written by Mr. Nze-Obi David. He is a Christian leader and a student at the University of Nigeria, Enugu Campus. Art is his ministry.


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