Testimony Time


Back then as kids in Sunday school, whenever it was time to testify, our teacher would say ‘Tesimony time’ and we’d all chorus ‘time time’. After which we’d all struggle for first in line to testify of how God kept us and our families throughout the week.

As years went by and we moved into the adult church, things began to change. Whenever the pastor would call out for testimonies, there would be no ‘time time’ response and we’d all stay put in our seats feeling indifferent about testifying.

Finally, some people would come out after much prodding by the pastor who’d emphasize on the need to testify about God’s goodness in our lives. This got me thinking: why would provisions be made for testimonies if they weren’t necessary? Or is there something we’re missing out on?

TESTIMONY TIME is a time to spread the news of God’s love and goodness in our lives. It’s a time to witness to others and at the same time, to give thanks to the Lord and enable others to do the same either for you or for themselves. We’re telling Him THANK YOU!

When we testify, we display God’s hidden work in our personal lives to everyone like our best clothes on Sunday. We show gratitude to God for His goodness which opens the way for more blessings. It also gives us confidence and trust in God.

Even when we preach or evangelize, we’re also testifying about the LORD we serve and giving others a chance to join the universal family of Christ. When we testify, we glorify the name of the Lord and shame the devil. Testimonies encourage others.

So when next you hear ‘Testimony time’, I hope you not only respond ‘time time’ but you truly testify not to boast but to say ‘Lord Thank You! I just want everyone to know how good you are’.


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