
My cousin once told me 'You this girl! It's like you have a story for everything'. I simply laughed and told him 'Who doesn't?'

It's very true that we all have a story to tell, be it good or bad, there's always a story waiting to be told in the mouths of everyone. I can give a lot of stories about my experience on Earth. It's been a long windy road and trust me, it's never easy.

Is it about friendships, moments gone sour, market stress, school work, pranks on teachers, embarrassing times, bad days, awards or family it! Even the National News! There's always a story lurking in every corner.

But then, of what use is a story that can't be told? Of what use is it to have experiences not worth sharing?

When I thought about these questions and read some books, I came to the conclusion that anything not worth sharing is not worth doing at all. If I can't tell you how I robbed someone or did something else with my self-esteem intact, then there's no use doing it at all. And this contributes to the reason why most people have stories or lives they're not proud of.

Well, there's every reason to do that which is right and others can learn from when retold. We are happy with ourselves, have our self-esteem intact, have confidence in ourselves and eliminates the fear factor.

This brings to our realization that we are to comport ourselves in a dignified manner. Even the Bible in Matthew 10:26-27 acknowledges the need for integrity.

In other words, do in the dark what you'd proudly do in the open (and in God's presence). Let us leave all our past behind us and set out on a new journey with Christ as a new creature (1Corinthians 5:17), making new stories...


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